Adding Daily

So two days ago, I tried to do a few push ups..on my knees of course. After two my neck said “No fucking way, Dude” and I stopped. Its good to listen to your body. It is also good to tell your body fuck you back, I’m doing push ups. So I went to the wall and did 10 push ups that way. I’d say I was at about a 45-50 degree angle while doing them. Felt it in my shoulders to my hips. Ok. Day one was ten. I woke up feeling ok from that (neck injury wise) so yesterday, I figured I would do 20. I broke them up, two sets of ten. This morning, still feeling good. Going to shoot for 30. I figure every time i get up and walk by the fireplace (which is where i do them) I stop and do a set of ten. One set done so far. Going to go sit down to breakfast and then after I’ll do another set and then off to Home Depot to get some house paint for a birdhouse Im painting.

More later. Toodles!