Post Turkey Day

Because of the dumpster fire that is 2020, Thanksgiving day, which is normally just my hubby and I, had my two sons with us for the first time in 11 years. The travel restrictions kept them from spending the holiday with their dad, sadly. Thank goodness for video calls though.

Anyway, made 4300 steps alone doing cooking help for hubby, who does 90% of the cooking. Dinner was turkey, sweet potato casserole, dressing/stuffing (which ever you choose to call it), mashed potatoes cranberry sauce, peas, home made crescent rolls, gravy, pumpkin pie and brownies. Other than the box mix brownies and canned cranberry sauce,, all was made from scratch. Oh and wine…of course wine.

I had small amounts of everything (except cranberry sauce, blech) and only had a tiny second helping of sweet potatoes. I skipped pie and had a small brownie.

Drank a lot of water before and after. Sat on my butt the rest of the night and played world of warcraft. Today its get in at least 8000 steps.

No real weight loss yet but I’m trying not to stress it. Lots of things happening this year making it emotionally hard to stay on track. 2 deaths in the family. Suicidal deer totalling my car and me having to buy a new one. New job…and a desk job no less so not adding movement there, but I do like it a lot and who I work with. Corona virus restrictions from going damn near anywhere but my yard practically. All three of the corgis had medical issues that ran us close to $4000 dollars.

So yea, stress. On the up side I have gone over 3 months with out more than a half a glass of diet coke.

I’m lying in bed writing this post and planning my day. Also getting the gumption to get up out of bed and start the day but hubby is warm and cuddly and bed feels so good and the “I dont wannas” are strong. I’m the only one working today but at least its from home remoting in.

Ah well. Time to get the coffee and Jumpstart the heart. Have a good day peeps!

Today’s the day…

Election day. Yep. We voted via mail to minimize exposure to possible COVID-19. It was my oldest son’s first Presidential Election. With minimal guidance on how to fill out the form, he voted and we dropped them in the mail about a week ago. He was very proud.

Vote. Do it. If you already have, Awesome! YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!!!

If you haven’t, What the fuck are you waiting for?! DOOOO EEEEEEETTTTT!!!


(go now…nothing else to see here. Why are you still reading this???) 😉

Slow and steady

So I’ve had some set backs that had slowed me down, one being a death in the family, but I’m getting back on track. As friends are so good at reminding me, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. I am happy to say that I have now gone six weeks without drinking a Diet Coke. I know it doesn’t seem monumental but its a step. Tomorrow I’m going to grab my son and walk in the park. My activity level has gone down dramatically since covid 19 started and then I get a desk job. I have to do something and my son wants to join me. He says he isn’t happy with his weight either.

Well, off to bed. I stayed up late embroidering and watching The Abyss. Gnight folks.