Gumption….it’s gone missing!

Well, I can’t help but laugh (cause i cried enough yesterday) but my other lunch date today canceled as well. That is six in two weeks. You just can’t make this shit up, seriously. This has put a damper on my day but, honestly, I was kinda expecting this. I texted the friend last night asking if we were still on and he didn’t reply. Texted again this morning and got “Would you be horribly upset if we changed the lunch date again?” (yep, they did this last week, too). Told him I had tons of plans and would have to check my calendar. Needless to say, I won’t. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So, I hit McDonalds for a bunless burger and diet coke and went home after running my lucet W/cording to one of the local SCA shire heads for a demo tomorrow (which sadly I can’t attend due to prior commitments). I am now home to work on sewing for two friends. Problem is the “I don’t wanna”‘s are strong today. Usually once I get going, I am good and fine with it. Its the getting going that I have the problem with. The usual is happening. Fall is here and the SAD is setting in. I hate the cold, the damp, the cold damp, falling leaves, lack of the color green outside and even more, snow. *shudders* I want to hibernate during the winter, sit by the fire under a quilt and knit or embroider, have groceries delivered and never go outside except to take the dogs out for business and wait for the coming blossoms of spring. Summer is the true weather of my people! Give me heat, sunshine, cushy grass to walk barefoot on and a pool to swim in and lounge by with an iced beverage, preferably of the adult variety.

I need to get off my ass and get sewing. When my son gets home, I have to go work with him at his job for his first day actually working the department he is going to be in. His job coach will come next week. Tonight, I’m the job coach. Blarg. I love him and am so proud of him for getting a job…for wanting to get a job too…that I want to see him succeed. Hopefully its only for two hours.

RIGHT! Going to the basement to sew…after I find a good movie to watch down there. Ciao!

One thought on “Gumption….it’s gone missing!

  1. Hey – I get it. Sometimes I’m the one cancelling, but usually being canceled on. *hugs* But don’t let that define your worth. You’re an amazing human who is wildly talented, intelligent, caring and beautiful!!
    Also – look into changing a couple of your lightbulb to UV bulbs. Maybe one in your basement and one up by the telly. It won’t be perfect, but I find that it definitely takes the SAD edge off.
    Love you, lady!! 😘🌻


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