Random Blog title #1

I never know what to title these things. My entries tend to run through a rainbow of subject matter.

Right! So yesterday when I went out to drive my son to work, through on the standard issue New York State winter attire and stepped outside. I immediately started to sweat. It was 60 degrees outside. In December!! Dropped him off and came back and decided I could not waste this beautiful day and decided to go for a walk. Tried to convince family members to join me but they were too engulfed in their MMORPG and said no. I walked to the park in my neighborhood and circled the baseball field three times then walked back home. I stopped for about 1 min at each rotation to rest the low back which wasn’t screaming but it was making itself known. I listened to a book on Audible app on my phone and I kept a slightly faster than normal walking pace. I got my heart rate up, didn’t have trouble breathing nor did it trigger my asthma. I was about for about forty minutes I would say. It felt great. I feel like after all these months being cooped up or out wearing masks that I had fresh air in my lungs. (mind you I had a mask handy but no one was in the park so I was safe to keep it down) Later when sitting home I felt better. A little more invigorated. I did about 5400 steps by bedtime. I know..its not 10K but you can’t go from a desk job with no exercise to walking or running 5 miles a day. I’m taking it slow. My weight loss goal is not for a year and a half. I want it to be slow so I don’t boomerang back up. I want this to be for the rest of my life. I want this to last and be the norm from now on.

When I was walking yesterday, listening to my book (World of Warcraft: War Crimes by Christie Golden) I suddenly realized that all the things I do that I enjoy: knitting, embroidering, gaming, etc, feed my mind. It never occurred to me to feed my body what it needs to: movement and exercise. Yea, I’m 48 years old and I don’t know why this JUST occurred to me. It really was a sort of epiphany for me. I’m sure others have come upon this ages ago but I suppose my mind was just on other things. I am going to make sure I do something each day. Walking, biking, belly dancing..who knows. Maybe I’ll just scroll Youtube and pick something and give it a try. Lord knows there are so many things on there. (I totally understand why neither of my children are very interested in television now. ) So, it’s suppose to be quite chilly today. I think I will browse Youtube and see what I can come up with.

Oh yea, did 20 wall push ups yesterday too. Shooting for same number today..maybe 25.

Alright..back to my coffee and porch time with hubby till he goes to work.


Adding Daily

So two days ago, I tried to do a few push ups..on my knees of course. After two my neck said “No fucking way, Dude” and I stopped. Its good to listen to your body. It is also good to tell your body fuck you back, I’m doing push ups. So I went to the wall and did 10 push ups that way. I’d say I was at about a 45-50 degree angle while doing them. Felt it in my shoulders to my hips. Ok. Day one was ten. I woke up feeling ok from that (neck injury wise) so yesterday, I figured I would do 20. I broke them up, two sets of ten. This morning, still feeling good. Going to shoot for 30. I figure every time i get up and walk by the fireplace (which is where i do them) I stop and do a set of ten. One set done so far. Going to go sit down to breakfast and then after I’ll do another set and then off to Home Depot to get some house paint for a birdhouse Im painting.

More later. Toodles!