Hitting the C2 Mark

Fifty. 5-0. I turned 50 years old a couple days ago. It’s a milestone. A big one! Though it kind of bothered me a little in the sense of feeling my mortality a little more, but I still wanted to celebrate it..and no one did (I know, sound like a whiny 12 year old kid). My husband gave me a card and bought a key lime pie (I like but its his favorite) but that was it. No candles, no gifts or cards from my kids, no party, nothing. We went out to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant that opened. It was ok food. The mariachi band was quite good but loud so conversation was pretty much out.   I came into work this morning thinking my coworkers would have done something while I was off because it’s what I do to their spaces when its their birthdays (put up balloons, streamers and sprinkle glitter all over the place, card and a gift), but nothing was done except for piles of work on my desk for when I got back.  My boss did give me a card and a Dunkin gift card last Thursday from herself which I hugged her for. I adore her.

So I am back to work today and am depressed. I don’t want to be here. I loved being home. I hate coming in here. It’s a job and the benefits are good but the pay sucks. My kid that works at Walmart is making more money than I am and I work for the State Education department. I think I will start looking at county jobs as they tend to pay more, have more time off and the benefits are about the same. State jobs are…not as good as they are made out to be that’s for certain.

Kids are doing well. The pool is open and I floated around in the sun yesterday for an hour and it was glorious. This is my season.  Will write more later in detail but work calls.
